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  About ERP  

ERP was founded in 2009 by experienced recruitment consultants who believe there’s now a golden opportunity for UK agencies to differentiate their business model ethically in the highly competitive and unregulated recruitment marketplace.
The economic downturn and global recession has raised critical questions about the way business in many sectors is conducted.
ERP believes that by making recruitment fairer, more accountable and more transparent, all parties – including agency, jobseeker and recruiting company – can be winners.
It’s a fresh and long overdue approach that can only enhance the recruitment industry’s reputation for sourcing and placing high quality candidates.

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Meet our directors
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afd Sian Wells - A national accounts manager with over 10 years’ experience in field sales, area management and marketing management for leading FMCG brands in the foodservice
and retail sectors. Email Sian
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afd Liga Alde - A former consultant and account manager for a leading IT recruitment specialist. Liga ... (two + more lines of relevant info to balance Sian, two + more lines of relevant info, two + more lines of relevant info...).  Email Liga
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